Dear brothers and sisters, iam profoundly impressed by the wonderful development that you have done to this unforgetable website that has bestowed this community with pride and sense of belonging.
I joined the website a few days ago and I was blindly conjured into writing by its beauty without giving a token of appreciation to those who sacrified their time to the success of this website especially to Kuot Kuot and those who assisted him in one way or the other.
I was tremendously taken back to olden days when I scruntinised the website this morning by the snaps of guine-fowl. I really felt like chasing them the way we used to,when trying to trap them and this was one big flaskback in my life ever since.
And therefore, I encourage everybody to bring ever single aspect of our community to this website which make us feel at home.
Welcome to Mading Aweil Discussion Board! This board has done a great job for us. It has reunited us with our friends and relatives whom we haven't heard from them since we departed from Africa to Canada, USA, Europe, and Australia. It is a great opportunity for me to meet you here.
Thank so much for your congratulatory words. I hope Mading Aweil website will be of great service to our community. We can't start resconstructing Junub when our home is at mess, we have got to set our things right first before we could move to the wider south. It is upon this vision that this website was borned. The whole world is online, so why not Mading Aweil especially when it is blessed with numberous competent sons and daughters? Mading Aweil website is a growing website, it is a matter of time before it becomes the leading website for Aweil community. BUT that dream will only be realized we all join hands, unity is strength, remember what Mzee Kenyatta of Kenya said? It is worth mentioning that many people have contributed (in different ways) towards making this website a thing each one of us would be pround to call his/hers. So the credit accruing from this website belongs to ALL of us; the Aweil people. Once again thank you for your word of appreciation, it is an honour to each and every son and daughter of Mading Aweil, you included Fidel. Take care man and stay cool.
wecome to mading aweil discussion board dude,! i consider this website to be home of reunion. i am glad to hear your voice again, it is long time man. your participation will bring a great success to great aweil. feel at home udele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.