I am a new member to this board and I hope you welcome me. I just want to acknowledge the contribution of individuals whose contribution we must all appreciate. I feel proud of you, the people of Mading Aweil. The entertainment section of www.madingaweil.com is truely commendable! Keep up the good work and I am made to believe that you can achieve so much for Aweil community and South Sudan in general. I just couldn't be more proud of you and that is what I wanted you to know.
It is truly nice seeing you on Mading Aweil board, welcome buddy, I was asking ALbee the other day as to what has happened to you. Thanks for your compliment to the Aweil people. Development of south Sudan is all about putting such pieces as Mading Aweil website togather. I am sure you will like your membership here as most of our arguments are characteristically objective. Say hi to the folks along the Atlantic coast. Happy New Year.