This is to notify everyone in the Mading Aweil Community and the Lost Boy Sudanese refugee community of the passing of
son of Lual Akot and Abak Amet Kuol
of Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, South Sudan
With deepest regret, we wish to inform you of the passing of Garang Lual in the early hours of 18 August 2011 as a result of a car accident that occurred in the area of Grand Island, Nebraska USA. Mr. Lual, who was born in Aweil area in 1991, had been residing in the US State of Nebraska since 2009. He arrived in the US in August 2001 from Kakuma Refugee Camp where he had been living for many years after fleeing his home during the civil war.
Garang is survived by his mother, siblings and many relatives and friends. He had planned to travel to South Sudan to see his family within a few months to reunite with them and support them after a long absence.
Garang was a beacon of light, always smiling, with a gift for words and conversation. We need to honour Garang for this grave loss in the early years of his life, offering prayers and blessings, and for the enduring memory that lives in those of us who knew him and will remember him.
In the US, a memorial will be held on his behalf on Saturday, 27 August 2011 at Blessed Sacrament Church, State Street, Grand Island, Nebraska.
For further information and support, please contact:
William Wiir Akot at: +1-605-231-9269 (US, South Dakota)
In the process of editing the birth year of this posting, the website locked up and it is not possible to edit in. Also, there is notification that the website licence has expired. Can organisers please update so that we may resubmit the post with the edits. Thank you.
his real birthday was August 24th 1976 && he left 3 daughters JaiVella and Arek and Ayuen who were his world and they are missing him more than anything in this world.... Garang was a father, brother, son and husband:) he was a man who was loved and is truly missed by all that knew him including us in Omaha, Ne....