if i'm not wrong with rumor of my ear, i learn that jurchol change their name to luo. why luo? also which of three luo subgroup do they belong (jok-jok, jok-winy, and jok-molo).
please feel free to feed my dubious if you know the possible answers of above question.
Originally Jurcol are member of the larger ethnic group called “Lou” with Acholi, Shiluk, Anuak etc. Even, the medieval Jur col have called themselves “parlou” they were called as Jur-col by the Dinkas/Monyjiang. Jur laterally translated as non Dinka and “Col” because they are balck adding together then it is the balck-non Monyjang. The Jur like their counterparts Shiluk, Anuak, Acholi were part of great Nyakang Kingdom of which the Shiluk had exclusively claimed to belong to them alone, and as a result they chase away both Jur and Acholi and Anuak from the Nykangland around the second half of the first century BC. The late arrival of Jur col after the great migrations of Nilotics from East to Western part of the Nile, had led into confusion from the fact that they were part of Lou ethnicity. This is what I can offer for now.
thank you for the question of Jurcol or Lou realationship with their members such as Shiluk Anuak,acholi. and my thank goes to Mr Ateny for his answer and i just want to add another more question connected with the same jurcol and their other members such as jurbeil of Rumbek,and jur mananger of Gogriel.i think these all are the names given to them by Dinka but what they called themselvies before they came to Dinka land to get these names .because if you look to the meaning they are Dinka laungauge names
K.L Ca
freedom doesn't mean to fly .its just to say your right
Unlike Jur-col or Lou, Jurbeil are not member of Nilotics groups of which Dinka is one of them. Jurbeil were members of the "Jurluel" who were the real owners of the Land South of Rumbek before it was bought from them by Agar Dinka. It was however, said that Jurbeil were not chase away with their larger ethnic group "Jurluel" due to the fact that, they had associated themselves with Agar people, when they gave-up their land "Rumbek" in return for peace.
Jur-maan-anger are purely Nilotic they are only living in Apouk County of Greater Gograil. They are Jur-maan-anger because during the arrival of the first Jurmaananger (who were Nuer in origin) they were welcome by a lady who had her daughter called "Anger" - they put-up in her land and when the nighbours saw them, and asked who they were , the answer was "they were Jur-Man-Anger. Now they have grew to have their own sub-Chief in Apouk Area. Apouk had 9 sub-chiefs in total in cluding JurmanAnger. However, if you ask any one from Apouk about how many sub-chiefs do Apouk has, the answer is "Apouk had 8 plus Jur-man-anger 9, I don't know why.