First and foremost, Garang is not my relative. Period.
I don't mean to say that Garang is clean and that Aweil people have to carry blame for his odds, No!
I was only saying that we have all the blame for his sins. Garang has close buddies from all walks of S.Sudan and not my uncles only. I would have appreciated your stand if you had initiated before he came this far. Hope you will undertsnad this time.
Thank you for letting your voice being heard in Aweil discussion board. That is exactly what is this board all about.However, you are totally wrong when you errorly mentioned that Garang was adored as valour by aweilan.The name ' Garang' if Iam not in mistaken , in dinka means Adam and it is used to flater any elder and Chief or any one with such name.Surely, no Dinka, a decorous one , can use it to exploit and suppress other Dinkas or others for being called or praised like Adam.
The central point is , if your uncle misunderstood it , then it is his personal quandery.He needs to contact any Awulan folklorist to implant him either informalist or formalist or you yourself , Aruei to Kongor's, about the real meaning of Garang in Thong Muony jang.
You are really deluded that I am enthusiast of garang. I don’t sustain either garang or entire commanders, because they are good for naught. You also talk of change, calling garang by name such as evil, dictator or tyranny will not bring change, unless we toss ballots in the boxes, which is only way anybody can pull off the change they deserve. The main prompt reason, I am skeptical bout article, is that the author doesn’t indicate the hooked of articles. Can you highlight to me if you know what is essential hooked of articles. The topic doesn’t explain the articles (nobody likes garang any more). What overwhelming task does garang accomplish? Is it because he want exterminate his fat boy kiir mayordit or is it because he made a peace with kiir? Also I want remind that I read this article painstakingly on south and before its reach mading aweil board. So I know what am talk about, please don’t get me erroneous.
Isaac mabior,
The little I discern about garang mabior is essentially as much as necessary. I will never call garang dictator, evil, or/and tyranny to accomplish the change. The tyrant is south Sudanese is cultures. As we know the most and first suffering groups are those lack commanders in field. therefore Don’t trust anyone now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Iam Here to enjoy Myself with the long Potic And competitions between each others, Brother (Vs) brother,or sisters,anyway Iam here to enjoy myself wiht the long Reading, because I do not wanted to support any somebody from you, Includ John Grang, because for My understood,and I don,t want to Blame somebody, or John Granag, for He wrong?because what About our leaders,Who are make themself to be leaders of mading Aweil,and, they are leaders of mading Aweil, to drivers our brothers Away from home, by Following them ,to take them to jonh Granag Maibor nations to Gave Him powers or Stronges ,after that lift them there to be punsihment them ,or force them to died in fight, By John Granag like what needs, Iam Here for Myself, for My confuose to supported anyone of you.Anyway I dON,T believes, IN THAT WAY we can making Mading AWeil to be bitters places to living,for uor Next geranations.
Among Southerners, I believe the overall concern is that they need a better system in place; they need the system which is more multi-culturally inclusive and has a greater respect of diversity and humanity in South Sudan. However, John Garang has tragically failed to meet this idealism and created his own system which caused catastrophic situations, for instance, Aweil kids have gone to barbaric slavery in unprecedented number, where they are always being brutally abused and dehumanized. Jackson Anei, who would accept such kind of a leader to destroy the whole nation for his personal benefits and self-aggrandizement? This is unethical because it has adverse effect to the public welfare or safety. We need better replacement for John Garang, and I believe there are those in South Sudan, who would do that job of presidency more appropriately and inclusively than John Garang did and probably would do.
I expect all leaders to take the security of the most vulnerable people as their top priority.
I have been away all this time because I was busy. Thank you for your views, I appreciate all of them. Brother Awach, John Garang is a tyran, there is no more evidence you need. The minutes of Rumbek conference are there for anyone to read. Even if John Garang was saying that the government of Sudan is too deform to be reformed, it is him who is deformed beyond reform
Hi Awach, How are you doing? Hope everything is good.
Sorry, it took so long to respond.
Just to get into the story, I guess I didn't directly say you like Garang in my writing and if I did, my bad. What I did say is that your writing suggested that you like Garang and I think I mentioned it in my writing or at least the meaning should come out from the way I wrote. I thought I used "If" to mean if you believe what seem to come out of your writing, then that is why I wrote what I wrote. I don't expect you to be Garang's ultimate support and that is why I respond to your message. Above all, that is me being bias. I say Soorry again.
To make the story short, if you think I wronged you, I am sorry. I may have a different understanding of different writing style and you may excuse me for that. I expect people who are not Garang's supporter to analyse and probably hold their judgements when there is an information about Garang and his adminstration that seem sketchy. In other words, no one will ever discredit information about what they don't like and believe or people will not listen to anything against what they believe. People will always accept any information about the things they don't like although there is always an option for them to look for proves.
Anyhow, I will be careful next time I say something because it looks like I have a different understanding and would eaily get in trouble. I sometime expect things from people that I guess shouldn't although it does look like if you believe in something, you gonna disbelieve anything that discredit and if you don't then you gonna believe anything that discredit them. I guess you are an exception to the rule. Have a good time and I will talk to you later.
So, you not Garang's supporter. Got it.
When I hear somebody sigh, life is hard, I am always tempted to ask "compared to what?"
Sydney Haris
I believe that the best antide to vulgarity and brutality is the power of a better exmaple, of love over indifference. in the words of Henry Drummond, " the power of a higher affection." The human heart responds to goodness.I think is is ture.
I wouldn't think lives worth living if it weren't so. After the death of a loved one, poet wrote. " gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind: quickly they go, the intelligent, the witty.the brave."
Mading Aweil, leaders, you can stop the violence and hate. i am inspired by those who speak, write publickly, and share their points of view with rest. it is true Deng Santo, no time to waste we must act, rise up and say no more, 21 years our people have been losing lives, running around, from country to another.
we must replace our culthre of violence and mayhem with one of value, and meaning. Is not an easy thing to do, but we must work together to convert Soutern Sudan systems.
It is time to heal the wounds.The first step was liberation but the next step, although the libertaion is not yet accomplished, will consist in building democratic structures. It would rather be a good idea if we pause to explore our thoughts and evenutally give our 'verdict' not pillared on the face value of what is written.
I am extremely glad to meet my many long lost friends here though.
Long live the Aweil community , long live the south.
God bless you all.
Santino M.Dau Deng Agieu Kur.
Use words wisely to obtain a redress but take care about your choice of them, for they can assessinate other people's character traits, to the detriment of your very existence (Santino M.Dau Deng Agieu Kur).
Welcome to the board dude, it is really great having you on this board. You aren't kidding, you will meet lots of old buddies in here. You have more to offer to us on this board in terms of ideas and so I encourage you to feel free to share your rich perspectives with us. Remain cool.
Thanks you very much indeed.Your warm welcome has made me greatly feel at home with the Aweil community and all South Sudanese who feel duty bound by participating on this noble board.
Bless God.
Santino M.Dau Deng Agieu Kur.
Use words wisely to obtain a redress but take care about your choice of them, for they can assessinate other people's character traits, to the detriment of your very existence (Santino M.Dau Deng Agieu Kur).
Deng Santo!!!!! your idea ;about your statement is not bad; but do you known why ""Jesus''' wept? ever single year, came up with bad & good. learning how to celebrate one's another differences while acknowledging our similarities is paramount to our success. This is especially true given the global nature of our workforce.
Be sensitive: some religions, spititual traditions don't observe any holidays, including birthdays. Thus, it is Vital that we have open lines of communication and engage our SPLA/M as we seek to coordinate celebrate at work that honor everyone's beliefs , values, traditions.
Is Dr.John fight all these years for him self???
Be aware of differences: if appropriate, try to develop decoration and parties that demonstrate respect for and inclusion of individuals of difference faiths, culture,beliefs and values by simply celebrating togetherness.puting your people in trust is a great encouraged, we there for SPLA/M more supports , as they are there for us; protecting our people and homeland.
Deng Santo are you from Aweil???
the good things we need to focus on its is holidays,,, when we gonna have a legall holiday pay SS?
It is not time for all of us to disuse the matter of our leadership saying who is supporting a movement and who is not supporting and same of you also said there is nobody like Dr. Garang, well the question is not correct to ask people, because all of us know that our beloved leader Dr. John Garang past away in his mission. It is gratefully that God has took him away after he has done everything to our nation now everything is in our hands, and it is time for us to fight real fighting not just talking. I believe our late leader Garang De Mabior did his job. He has been struggling for twenty two year’s and never changed the vision for bringing all the Sudanese people to unity justices, and equality. Brothers in Aweil all try not to discuses the things that will not benefit our people at all. Again I will encourage all of you to support our leadership not to discuses their mistaken events, people talk our great leader Dr. John Garang by saying that he is a killer, that is a single idea for us to say, if we come to reality than our leaders must pay attention to leadership if is not they fail. And God blasé you all.
we are all Dr. john we love him and we will keep his vession alive .
we will have to work for two things he has signed as a solution for this war that has taken a lot of people away from this world.
and I believe that the government of north sudan won't lat the choice of unity be as our great leader wanted, therefore the choice of separation will be more attractive than the unity because we all know arab politics that never change and if we one day think that they have change than we will truely would have lost our mine.
so just let us look at our destiny and future which will make us a new leadres for the whole content. وليبارككم الله ابينا والرب يسوع المسيح
Hello brothers today is my first ever to actually take part in this discussion board I hope it's a place where brothers share and respect opinions of their brothers anyway the article is a very interesting one specially for those whom may it be knew info to, because during liberation these nasty tactic and dictatorship concepts they did occurred and actually people did spoke about a lot but back then people's minds where set in one direction I personally believe that people were enslave in directly and anyone who weren't flowing the foot steps are simply eliminated silently and that's why if you look back and recall and ask yourself why some of great politicians & powerful military personnel could not bare to stay in the movement & some decided to escaped for foreign lands its because of the messy up system that's controlling the movement, the corruption we speak about today it has started back in the bush and a few people knew of it.
And the reason I guess these issues could not be discovered by many earlier is because most people were really had nationalism in them and they really wanted to fight for a real freedom while some folks at the time were busy looting the nation.
so there were no room for such a information to believed by those who believed and trusted in Dr John G
Me personally Im not surprised about this article I have always knew something isn't right since I came to Nairobi in 2000 even before I reached Nairobi in a Place call Gundar I. Ethiopia it's where I sniffed corruption and luck of nationalism in some high commanders in the army and the history itself can always tell I don't know anyone recall in the begging before SPLM manifesto 1983 may 16 the idea of liberation was to liberate South Sudan from the Arabism ruling but selfish people like Dr John G manipulated the idea into Sudan People liberation Army then into SPLAM For his own personal interest.
However this kind of info would have been impossible to release but its great now people who knew nothing now know people like President have suffered so much and that's why sometimes I like to express my gratitude to Salva because it wasn't for Salva the movement would have been died along time ago.
So many injustice and unfairness happened during Dr John G leadership but God has always been the greatest
Deng Duang
-- Edited by Deng Duang on Sunday 2nd of June 2013 04:33:16 AM
I wonder why are you guys wasting your time talking about a died man, here in the present we have another rolling stone running the nation to unknown direction Dr John did what he had to do and failed hard from the blue sky his case is a closed, we should focus now as a citizen to assist our new head master chief Wad Salva, we all know he's been busy lately in his kitchen trying to serve us equally in a golden plate we once shared the priced tag till it turn up that the plate is giant and it can feed us all but unexpectedly we realised that some of our brothers seem to hold big spoons in their hands while some are waiting empty handed.
I suggest we should be talking about it and see what future hold in our master chief's hand, do you guys think the future is going to be bright or is it getting darker and darker?
Deng Duang
-- Edited by Deng Duang on Monday 3rd of June 2013 01:03:07 AM