Mading aweil website is it only for madingaweil people?,,,,Is the tough question iam facing down here in cairo.Is the question asked by many different southern tribes here in Egypt.i use to answer them NO it,s not only for mading people it for all southern. Is the question i can,t able to answer,, so iam asking you aweilian to help me how to answer such a question.the even say it only title to aweilian. that is the point. hoping a reply from you soon.
The answer you gave to the people who asked you was brilliant. Mading Aweil website is not for Aweilians only but for all Southerners, and even Northerners who wish to participate have a free will to do so.
Should you encounter such a question at some point from any person, tell him/her that Mading Aweil website's operating system is only controlled by Aweilians; however, participations are widely opened for Southern Sudanese, Western Sudanese, Northern Sudanese, Eastern Sudanese and guests (white or black).
Many discussants here will give you a good answer than mine.
As Deng Deng Guruk said, the answer you gave to those who wondered whether Mading Aweil website is open to other southerners or not is brilliant. This website is not meant to discriminate against anyone. This is reflected in the kind of diverse music we provide. We have a wide variety of music ranging from Arabic, Agar/Rumbek songs, Bor songs, Tonj songs, Gogrial/Twic songs, etc. If we were to discriminate against anyone, we wouldn't have added any music which wasn't for Aweil. Again our discussions are most of the time dominated by southern Sudanese politics. In short, Mading Aweil website is meant to address Aweil issues as well as those of the wider south. Thanks for your question.
Indeed I may agree with quesioneer, people of Mading Aweil or Awiel don't know how to discriminate other, but with situation and deception of protuders, I may say that we can restrict and discriminate people with their own political interest. Action of one man can influence all the enitre forum, I don't know if you are aware of what this man Call Tiny is doing in this board. frankly speaking this man is more dangerous than our potential enemies. Mr. or mrs. Tiny bear in your mind that you have know business with this community period. get the heck out of this community Boo!